When was the last time you asked someone how they were doing and the answer they gave you didn't in some way express how busy they were? When was the last time you were asked the same question and gave an answer that didn't involve how busy you were?
Personally, I have noticed that so much of our lives are wrapped up in expressing to others or to ourselves just how busy we are. Sure, this world requires a lot of work to stay a float-that's absolutely true. But when we enhance this fact by driving it home to our brains just how busy we are all the time we are sending a very dangerous message to our brains, bodies, hearts; we are sending a message of STRESS. The constant message of stress is a dangerous one to make habit. I'm not going to get in to the nitty gritty of the negative effects of stress on your body because, a) you've probably heard many of them b) if you google "negative effects of stress" you will have plenty of reading material.
But what I do want to look at is, why do we love "busy"? After much thought about how I fall in to the trap of claiming busy-I have realized this: our brains want something to process....all. the. time. And if we dont give it to them they will figure something else out for themselves and run with it. Therefore being busy is present when we mindlessly move through our to do list and if we aren't mindful our brain wants something to do so it latches on to busy and claims it...and runs with it...and grows it...until you feel like you are busy. Not just busy for now but busy for-ever-busy is who you are!
I have made a decision for my own life, I try to be mindful and give air time to the other things I am-other than busy. When busy is a real thing in my life I embrace it for what it is but I can no longer let it infiltrate the rest of my life. Because as humans we are so much more than our stress-we are grocery shoppers picking out the perfect red bell pepper, we are parents teaching our kids how to tie their shoes, we are runners sweating it out on the treadmill to our favorite song-to many all of these things can become "busy" and eventually "stress" if we aren't watching. Sometimes it just what it is....and a lot of the times it is so much more than "BUSY". If you would like to learn some tools to help you transition from busy to living I can help you!
Give me a call or shoot me an email and we can start getting your life back from busy!
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Personally, I have noticed that so much of our lives are wrapped up in expressing to others or to ourselves just how busy we are. Sure, this world requires a lot of work to stay a float-that's absolutely true. But when we enhance this fact by driving it home to our brains just how busy we are all the time we are sending a very dangerous message to our brains, bodies, hearts; we are sending a message of STRESS. The constant message of stress is a dangerous one to make habit. I'm not going to get in to the nitty gritty of the negative effects of stress on your body because, a) you've probably heard many of them b) if you google "negative effects of stress" you will have plenty of reading material.
But what I do want to look at is, why do we love "busy"? After much thought about how I fall in to the trap of claiming busy-I have realized this: our brains want something to process....all. the. time. And if we dont give it to them they will figure something else out for themselves and run with it. Therefore being busy is present when we mindlessly move through our to do list and if we aren't mindful our brain wants something to do so it latches on to busy and claims it...and runs with it...and grows it...until you feel like you are busy. Not just busy for now but busy for-ever-busy is who you are!
I have made a decision for my own life, I try to be mindful and give air time to the other things I am-other than busy. When busy is a real thing in my life I embrace it for what it is but I can no longer let it infiltrate the rest of my life. Because as humans we are so much more than our stress-we are grocery shoppers picking out the perfect red bell pepper, we are parents teaching our kids how to tie their shoes, we are runners sweating it out on the treadmill to our favorite song-to many all of these things can become "busy" and eventually "stress" if we aren't watching. Sometimes it just what it is....and a lot of the times it is so much more than "BUSY". If you would like to learn some tools to help you transition from busy to living I can help you!
Give me a call or shoot me an email and we can start getting your life back from busy!
*Click photo for photo credit