I heard something interesting on the TODAY show last week-January is known as National Divorce Month. Why you may ask? It is because filing for divorce spikes in January-talk about a new start for the New Year. But sometimes the line between staying together and divorcing is blurry at best. I often hear from people that they hesitate to come to couples therapy because they don't necessarily want to divorce, when I ask for more clarity on this thought people often tell me that they think that couples counseling is for couples that are inevitably headed towards divorce. Now let me say right now, I could not disagree with this thought more. Yes, some couples that come to see me do end up divorcing but many do not.
In my view couples therapy is a perfect opportunity to have an unbiased third party observe, clarify and sometimes be referee in the middle of fights you have seemingly had a thousand times. Much of the time the choice to divorce is not a crystal clear choice, there are children, feelings, history and many other things to consider. I like to provide the couples that come to see me with a break in the busy day to day to consider these factors, re-connect with one another and move forward in a direction that they have decided together.
If this sounds like something you and your partner may be interested in please give me a call today at 408-768-1864
In my view couples therapy is a perfect opportunity to have an unbiased third party observe, clarify and sometimes be referee in the middle of fights you have seemingly had a thousand times. Much of the time the choice to divorce is not a crystal clear choice, there are children, feelings, history and many other things to consider. I like to provide the couples that come to see me with a break in the busy day to day to consider these factors, re-connect with one another and move forward in a direction that they have decided together.
If this sounds like something you and your partner may be interested in please give me a call today at 408-768-1864